Friday, July 9, 2021

Lockdowns and Inspections

Another lockdown this week - just one day for all units at Fort Dix FCI - another case of disrespect for/toward some unknown guard. No laundry Tuesday - but they broke down the six units between three days.

Will Trump pardon Roger Stone? [As Paul Harvey used to say, "And now for the rest of the story!] Will people see they have been sold a very poisonous bill of goods? [Again with the Paul Harvey gag.] Maybe. Probably not. [And another update on the Big Lie.]. We get the government we deserve.

Prison management putting in a new move regime. I tried printing off the notice but it was not on the system. Another experiment on the herd. Mr. Moody allegedly gave credit for the ACE (Adult Continuing Education) classes since not one of us wanted to skip dinner for classes. The move came before suppertime and no one was allowed out of the Education Building until the move after the closing of the mess hall. No more last call for meals. 

The Mercer Community College classes will get hit for the same reason. Now we hear there will be no credit for the classes thanks - allegedly to some Bureau of Prisons screw up - No idea for sure here - scuttlebutt being what it is - but I do trust my source on this. We do tend to assign massive amounts of incompetence to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.

Things did run and look much better last week when there was an external inspection. Regional BOP, I heard. No one identified themselves to us, the incarcerated. One of the inmates told one of the inspectors about how one stairwell that was open during the inspection was otherwise closed. Management went back to closing one stairwell as soon as the inspectors were gone from the compound. [There would be only one stairwell open up to the time I left in early April, 2021 except during the Covid lockdown from December into March of 2021 - if memory serves - when both stairwells were closed] Your tax dollars at work.



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