Sunday, June 27, 2021

Who Was Margaret Yorke?

I finished reading Margaret Yorke's Dangerous to Know (Mysterious Press, 1993) and was duly surprised by her prose, by her plotting, by never having heard of her before now. The morality that she put into a story of marital abuse avoided even the cliches of today. Eighteen years has not made the novel redundant - or any the less suspenseful, or its ending any less sharp. 

The her referred to below is Walter's wife told from his perspective and this is a good example of Ms. Yorke's style:

Her conduct was intolerable.

Adding up in his mind her various shortcomings, Walter gave no thought to the skinny,harmless girl, younger than Sarah, whom he had deprived of life and left in a ditch as carelessly as if she were a spent cigarette or some old shoe.

He would never be suspected of her death, nor that of the other woman whom he had dumped behind a hoarding near an empty warehouse. 

There would be another death, and soon, but this time it would not look like murder.

p. 142

Nothing in those four paragraphs will spoil the novel. Sarah is Walter's youngest daughter. There remains 126 pages. I think the title only becomes clear at page 268.

The dust jacket claims 36 novels for Margaret Yorke. That was as of 1993. So why have I never heard of her until now?



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