Friday, February 14, 2025

Brief Update, Piggishness + Philip Roth & Margaret Atwood Mentioned

Three hours at work, a walk down to the bus stop through the nasty cold with a stout wind blowing spitting snow, lunch at home, writing blog posts, seeing the chiropractor, then back here for dinner only to order a pizza, too. That left me feeling too full, so I walked down to the convenience store.  I should not have gotten the pizza, that was piggishness. 

At least, I did not oversleep, as I have the past two days. The chiropractor is doing wonders for the pain in my back.

Another blog post this morning after a little reading. I should not share so much, but damn I am too annoyed at the world, and then there are the good things I do not want to keep to myself.

Now, it is time to get to work.

Last night, I listened to the podcast on Philip Roth's American Pastoral on Roth & Company while I worked on my blog posts. I thought it a good overview of the novel and of Roth and may give you a reason to read it, if you have not, or justify your having liked the novel. Roth is one of those writers I finally got the opportunity to read while in prison, and I kick myself for not reading when I was young. 

I also got to read Margaret Atwood in prison, and I recommend The Backlist: Reading Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Blind Assassin’, with Ashley Winstead (CrimeReads). A good rundown of what I think is Atwood's best novel.


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