Monday, December 16, 2024

Notes From Group Therapy, Part 2

  [A couple of notes explaining what follows: 1) these are the lectures given by the counselor conducting the therapy, given at the end of the session after everyone has reported on their week; and 2) these are my notes, taken from my longhand, and my handwriting has progressed from bad to abysmal, so I think I have gotten the right words, but maybe not.]

[10/4/24 12:55 pm - 1:23 pm.]

Remedy problem of cognitive distortion

  1. Write down/record distortions - [excluding a few lines that suffered from water damage] spec - all or nothing - reframe - search for gray, believable alternative. 
  2. If anxiety - ask so what - thoughts stopping - make a believable plan. list evidence against - Matt does not like - cognitive bias - if a should - M [counselor] list every real possibility - no fight with the brain - does involve amygdala. Curious question - solve ambiguity. 
  3. If mind-reading, ask person doing so why? 
  4. Fusion ones - good if you can make acronyms.
Paradoxical intention (PI)
Whatever you resist, will persist. Helps let go of stress.

Stepping back - tool; is this going to matter?

Remember as feeling - hard if not remembering a feeling.

Opposite action - gestalt.

[10/11/24. 1:02 pm to 1:15 pm.]

Moving into preventive measures.

Most models reactionary

Brain not wired for uncertainty

Uncomfortable to move away

Positive feature

Desert - what's needing done.

 [10/18/24. Time not recorded.]

Focusing on goal

must be positive

can have a transcendental motivation - need to latch onto positive goal.

Meaning - source of - can see beauty, etc.

Think of better future, take steps towards better things 

Meaning is bedrock

Close personal connection also necessary

[11/25/24. 1:10 pm to 1:28 pm.]

What is the root?

negative we could return to everything dissatisfactory, but unable to change.

Promised land: good thing moving towards - the target - what you want life to look like.

guide transcendental motivation gives life a sense of purpose - not abstract but pragmatic. 

new for today:

Step 1: always think of myself for no reason at all. Have something to ground yourself.

Step 2: identify & live with your values.

Step 3 - pursue competence 

sch 12/8/24 

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