Monday, September 9, 2024

Did I Report Last Night? A New Week Starts; Hoosiers for Harris; Movies From The Past;Tucker Tops Himself

First thing:  Hoosiers for Harris

I did get the laundry done. That was around 6 pm. I loafed for a bit during the afternoon. I did some work on my sci-fi story. Then, too, I read a piece that KH wrote, a rather good essay on aging, and gave him some opinions. We talked later.

Parties and fighting crime in Glasgow, Scotland:

Earlier in the afternoon, I got this very early John Ford movie with Victor McLaglen and Myrna Loy. Both of them were very young, but you can see where they were going. Otherwise, a silly movie - except for the bagpipes!

I indulged in some alternate history (unlike Tucker Carlson who thinks a poor, misguided Hitler is real history!)

The following was in subtitles, so I had to watch it. Jean Reno is in it, so I had to watch it. A good conman story.

Submissions were supposed to be made and not accomplished.

 This was how I closed out Sunday.

I started this thing about Baby Jane and pre-Code movies this morning and finished after I came back from the counselor:

I got my anti-depressants at CVS before counseling. That went well.

Could we get so lucky to have Tucker Carlson top himself before he ruins this country? Tucker Carlson and the Beer Hall Putz

I made a run for RC Cola around 5:30, caught the bus and came back the same way.

One post was and done, then I started working on this one.

I cannot tell if the pest control people came, or if my own trap worked, but no sounds of the rat. 

This is running right now. It has to be an early De Niro movie, but it is certainly a thing of its time: George Segal and Karen Black. Karen Black is a Seventies name. Tina Turner on the soundtrack.

The Colorado Review rejected "Problem Solving":

Thank you for sending us "Problem Solving." We're sorry we can't use it, but we appreciate having the opportunity to consider it. We'd be pleased to see more of your writing in the future.


The Editors

Colorado Review

Running out of time and energy, so here I close.


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