Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Letter to KH From 11-12-2010

 [This letter was in my pretrial detention journal. My hope in 2010 was that KH would type up these notes and put them on a blog while I was incarcerated. I am glad that did not happen. Having been at work on typing up my journals - those for the halfway house after my release, the small part of my prison journal online at this time, and these pretrial detention notes - for about 3 years now, this was a most obnoxious imposition on my part. He never started on these entries (thankfully!), so he has not read this letter. When I ran across it, I thought to give it a pass. I hope no one minds that I did not. sch 8/22/2024]

Well, what year is it now? I sit here looking forward, wondering when you will get this far. What are you thinking about where I have gone these past eight months? Have I lost all of our readers? Have I gained more? Do I sound as depressed as I feel?

I bloody well regret the mess I created. I really do. I will get back to me in a few days, but you do know this is about me, don't you? I have as much of a feeling of atonement as I do a feeling of fear as I read de Tocqueville. We broke ourconstitutional systme and no will admit it. I fear revolution or constitutional meltdown - especially if Obama keeps playing so limply.

One more thing needing discussed at this point is Machiavelli. Not The Prince, but the Discourses. I had a copy and I am not sure if that is one which went missing after my arrest. See if you can find a copy. Why? Just because the book has been on my mind as I write these notes on de Tocqueville.

I am trying to leave space for online discussion and for a book on which we can collaborate. The book should be different from what is online, and I do not think you will have any trouble weighing in on what I and Alexis have written. I think there are some Canadian insights/issues that could be interesting.

One last thing. Once upon a time, there was a writer of spy novels called Manning Coles. Look up that name. I think a nom de plume would be best for a commentary of de Tocqueville - if two non-professionals could even attract a publisher. If so, I want Walter, if get the first name, and Livingston, if I get the last name. I hope you are not completely tired of me by now.


[I was completely looney tunes, but I did have hopes of leaving prison, I guess. Quite oblivious of the workload I was creating, or the time it would take from both of us to complete the idea. I still hope I have not bored you, dear reader. sch 8/22/2024.]

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