Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Writing, Sweating

 I need to make this short; making up for the lack of a report these past two days.

The big accomplishment has been getting at two older stories these past two days. "The Cat From The Dead Animal Bin" survived in only pages, and even most of that did not get into the computer on Monday. Then I started on "Three-Way Split" - boy, did the prison draft suck. Since then, I managed to get 2 pages typed on Monday, and then I spent a couple of hours last night picking over those pages. I think it is good (well, better). I always thought I had a good idea; the expression might live up to the idea.

Yesterday, I walked up from work to Muncie's City Hall. The bus was late - the kids got out of school early. I had sweat pouring into my eyes by the time of my arrival. There is nothing more needed from the State of Indiana on the road to getting my driver's license reinstated.

Because of the heat and time, I passed on going to the BMV. Instead, I got the bus home. Then I could not resist a nap. An hour became two and a half. I think the heat took a bit out of me.

I stayed home and wrote and read emails. The latter are piling up.

Monday was a nap, organizing some items, and the writing.

This rejection came in this morning from Temz:

Thank you for sharing your writing with us. We receive a very large volume of submissions and can only accept a small number; unfortunately, we have not selected your submission "Problem Solving" for Issue 28. We wish you well as you continue writing.


Aaron Schneider

I started but have not finished What Is Education For?. I did finish, Kamala Harris Wants to Redefine Masculinity—And Demolish Trump’s.

Work calls. Thanks for reading.


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