Thursday, August 22, 2024

Well, I Did Wash The Dishes

 Another day off earlier than expected; another trip to the convenience store, and back here.

I managed to finish 3 posts for the blog and start one other out of my pretrial detention journal. It is a bit unnerving to be reading my notes on my reading de Tocqueville's Democracy in America in 2010 when Donald J. Trump is trying to be (and might be) President, again.

I added some text to posts already written and scheduled for the days ahead.

I saw the YouTube listing for Priestess of Debauchery: Anita Berber. Not a name I recognized, thinking it was some silent movie star, I decided to give it a go. Well, the sound was too low, but I got this much - risqué dancer/silent movie star of the Weimar Republic. Checking her out on Wikipedia, there have been several movies telling her story. The documentary left me wondering why it had been made; Wikipedia gave me a clue. Mostly, I got the impression that Weimar was a hopping place and the Nazis were party poopers. Having memories of Marlene Dietrich and Cabaret in my head helped influence that idea.

Having read St. Irenaeus in prison, so when YouTube popped up Irenaeus and the Fall of the Gnostics I had to play it. Only thing is I was also writing blog posts and reading while it played. It seemed well done - but do not ask for details.

While eating dinner, I watched What Was a Roman Emperor’s Daily Life Like? | With Mary Beard. Having been reading Mary Bear for decades, it was cool to hear it her speak. This I paid attention to - too much fun.

Reading the political stuff takes time, but I cannot keep from them - not this year.

Writing up this post and waiting for CC, I listened to a fair amount of The Delta Bombers, Here are two examples for you:

Just off the phone from a robocall. The local sheriff letting me know that I need to do my 90 check-in. I am an "offender". Supposedly, this registration law is not a punishment. Then why am I the "offender"? Well, your tax dollars are at work.

And, I did accomplish to get the dishes washed before CC came over.


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