Thursday, May 2, 2024

Democrats! Change The Constitution!

 Let the Democrats stop talking about making Roe v. Wade a federal law and begin talking about making Roe v. Wade part of the Constitution.

Let the Democrats write and publish a proposed amendment to the Constitution before the 2024 Convention. Have the proposal incorporate Roe.

However, do not stop at just incorporating Roe, but add to it rights for mothers wanting children – family leave, universal free medical care, the child care tax credit, free child care, a right to privacy, a right to contraceptives, and so on.

Let the proposal be adopted by the Convention.

Then have every Democrat running for a state or the federal legislature run on passing the amendment.

Make the Republicans fight every legislative racein the country.

To make these rights merely statutory is to leave them to the United States Supreme Court, and to future legislatures. We have seen how ready they are to shorn us of our rights. We have seen how Roe’s politics have dsitorted the federal judiciary.

Making the right a mere statutory law leaves them vulnerable to future legislatures, and to the politics of gerymandering.

One intended consequence would be (hopefully) denying Donald Trump a legislative majority. Maybe it will be enough to drain votes from Trump himself.

Sch 4/30

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