Sunday, August 20, 2023

Prisons In The News

Fort Dix FCI had no air conditioning except in staff areas.

 Monday numbers: Lack of air conditioning in state prisons is “cooking people alive”

During my PO's last visit, he asked if there was anything he could do for me. He has been rather useless to date and I do not see any increase in usefulness in the future. I refrained from telling him this. Reading How Systemic Barriers Keep the Formerly Incarcerated From Rebuilding Their Lives, I thought I was luckier than some in finding work, having some purpose to my life.

Basically I have to Mama Love them into compliance—make sure they go to meetings, get out of toxic relationships that might interfere with their employment, help them find the right clothes, and coach them on how to act in different professional settings. I listen to their problems and work with them to find solutions. I do the same with employers. In theory, it seems like a no-brainer for business owners because half the employee’s pay comes from the grant money, but most of my job with the employers is convincing them that a formerly incarcerated woman makes the best employee.

And it’s easy, because they do.

Someone who’s been behind bars already knows that crime doesn’t pay. They’ve lost everything and appreciate the simple joy of having a job. They’ve dealt with prison politics, so office politics present no challenge. They understand power structures. Each is on probation or parole, so they follow all the rules. They’re used to getting up early and working hard for no pay, so they appreciate minimum wage. But most important, every one of them has something to prove. That they are valuable, worthy, and so much more than a criminal record.

I know this about them because I am them.

Nothing about life after prison has changed an opinion I formed in prison – that most of America would not notice if the government gassed all its prison inmates. We seem to be a people in love with punishment for the sake of punishment. Then you complain when people re-offend. 

We can do better towards one another, we should. Meanwhile, I keep on writing and enjoying the life left me.

sch 8/17

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