Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday and Rainy

 Rain this morning. I got to work as damp as I am when I leave. One of my fellow workers gave me a ride out to the food stamps office. I caught the #17 bus back. Then to Whitely bus to McClure's and I got home about 2:30.

I spoke with Kh about the following rejection. I found this in my spam folder. It looks like it took them a day to make the decision, but it took me 3 days to find it. This was for "The Psychotic Ape Pays a Visit."

Thank you for considering us, but we're going to pass on this one. You have an interesting premise, but I wanted the plot to become clear a little earlier in the piece.

I wish you well in placing this piece elsewhere, and hope you consider us for future submissions.

Sana Mahmood
First Reader
The Colored Lens

And another from today:

Thank you for sending us "True Love Ways Gone Astray" and for your patience as we reviewed it. We enjoyed reading your piece and admired the strong setting and dialogue, but after careful consideration and discussion, it just didn't generate enough consensus among our editorial staff. We wish you all the best of luck placing it elsewhere, and we look forward to seeing more work from you soon!

Best wishes, 

Cagibi Editors

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And, yet another from today:

Thank you again for submitting your work to The Ex-Puritan, Issue 62: Summer 2023.

As you might imagine, our small team of volunteer readers is forced to select an extremely small number of works from the hundreds of great submissions we receive each quarter. Submissions for this issue were once again excellent. Although we have to pass on your submission this time around, we’re truly grateful that you thought to send it our way.

We wish you best of luck in your future writing! 

This was for "The Dilemma of Basketball."

And how did I spend the evening? Yes, a little of Trump indictment watching, and some reading of emails, but mostly typing up another short story, "Their Bright Future." 

Now it is time to call it a night.

sch 10:23 PM

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