Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Been Sick and Now I have Insomnia

 Sunday evening was good until I poured some hydrogen peroxide in my ear.

Until then I managed to submit some of my stories:

 "Local Boy Made Good" to Random SampleOne Story and Cutleaf

"The Sloe Gin effect" to  Heartwood

  "The Kids Are Not All Right" went to Old Pal Magazine

"Road Tripping" I submitted to AGNI Magazine

 I listened to Backwoods.

News came in from my sister about the oldest niece being in trouble.

There was tinkering with "Road Tripping" before I sent it out.

Later, I thought I had screwed up the paginating. I still have not checked whether I did. The thought came after I had crawled into bed after losing my dinner to the nausea that came from my spinning head.

Monday morning was not good. Standing meant dizziness. I walked like a drunk. A doctor seemed needed, and I was not trusting my stomach to the bus. I called K and she was sick herself. I left a message for CC, I was that desperate. It felt like the right side of my head was balling up preparatory to exploding off into space.

Then I got myself back to bed. I smeared Ben-Gay on my head, thinking that would break up the sinuses. It did a little.

After the cleaning crew came and went, I tried a hot shower.

I tried eating lunch - two hog dogs and a potato. That helped the stomach. I could stand, if I learned to my right.

News came in from my sister about the oldest niece's trouble, which led me to dragging myself over to the computer. Sister and I texted, then I went back to bed. The niece called and that lasted a good while.

I figured I could use the hot compress. That helped some. Still, I hurt too much. I did not have the energy to make it to McClure's for Coca-Cola.

Early afternoon, I had enough. I warmed up the slice of ham I had and swallowed a 500 mg of Tylenol. I woke up around 7:30.

No CC, I misunderstood her having a car. I trekked to Dollar General for saline nasal spray and a bottle of RC and came home. The groundhog still lives behind the old Roostertail bar. 

The spray helped. Pretty sure the sinuses had been bleeding, I'll not speak here of the evidence in support thereof. I started through the email and research for MW.

T2 called. We talked the longest we have since I got home. Things were sorted out. I killed the two liter of RC and sprayed more, and while we talked I got feeling better.

I went back to the research, reading and taking notes until 1:30. I probably fell asleep around 2.

Then I woke around 4:30. I cannot recall the dream, only it was intense. I was wide awake. Back to the computer, finished up research, did an outline for the work.

Then it was down to McClure's for a bottle of Coke and something for breakfast. That was around 7 am.

Today was meant to doctor and food bank and calling Chili's on the chance they did not send my last check.

The question is how much energy I have in the near future.

Thankfully, I do feel better.

sch 8:00 am

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