Saturday, March 25, 2023

Where Are Indiana's Young Writers of The Year?

 Here are Scotland's, presented by The Scottish Review:

The competition was organised by the Scottish Review (SR) and sponsored by the Young Programme (YP) charity. It was open to pupils in Scottish schools who were between the ages of 15 and 18 on 15 December 2022.

It was a condition of entry that work should be that of the author alone, unedited by a teacher (or anyone else), and that it should be a work of non-fiction. Pupils were asked to imagine that they were writing a feature or column for an intelligent magazine or serious newspaper. Examples given in the briefing were: a commentary about something in the news; thoughts about a cultural experience; an account of a personal experience of some kind; a piece about a sports event; or a profile of, or an interview with, an individual. The articles were required to be between 900 and 1,300 words in length. No entries outside of these margins were considered.

Could it be that I am wrong and Indiana does have such a competition? If so, why have I not heard of it? 

If we want Indiana children to attain any intellectual attainments in this age when intellectual work is the future, we should have this sort of thing.

sch 3/21/23

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