Friday, March 31, 2023

Stopping and Starting

I have not been past the door frame today, and that is with me getting up at 5am. 

Calling Chili's was forgotten will be put off till tomorrow. So will laundry.

It rained and is still gloomy. 

I think got tow or three posts written. And I ate lunch.

Yet, I never felt like I got out of first gear. Even then, it was a herky-jerky kind of day.

 Brisbane Times' roundup of book reviews: A beautifully composed autofiction and rescuing Egypt’s treasures

There are two men I would have liked to have seen play James Bond, Clive Owen and Sam Neill. The Brisbane Times also reviewed his memoir: Sam Neill’s ‘accidental’ memoir is a real charmer – just like the man himself I think Neill could have done for Bond what Daniel Craig was allowed to do.

"Colonel Tom" rejected, again; this submission dates back to August 15, 2022.

I'm terribly sorry for taking so long to get back to you. We're not publishing your work on this occasion. This isn't a reflection on its quality, it's simply just not right for this issue of the magazine. It's been a long and troubled production process this time out, on top of which we received a record number of submissions.

I wish you the best of luck, and am sincerely grateful for your taking an interest in our magazine.

All the best,


That was from The Momentist. If the magazine is anything like the website, this will be a cool magazine.

And I sent "Colonel Tom" out to the Saturday Evening Post. This is where I originally wanted to send the story, but was blocked by my monitoring software when I accessed the site on my last cell phone. No blocking this time. Maybe they changed the language. Well, it is there.

Before submitting my story, I read James Ulmer's Tucker’s Story. A very cool ghost story, I very much recommend reading it. Now I have more doubts anyone will want my story. So, it goes.

I told KH, I kept feeling like I make it to second base only to be called at third. This rejection does nothing to change that feeling:

Samuel, thanks so much for sending us “Exemplary Employee.” We liked aspects of this a lot--in fact it made the final round of edits (!), but won’t be using it for the second Starlite Pulp Review. And look, we know rejection letters suck—we’ve gotten plenty ourselves. But keep in mind that every time you send something off, that editor is often looking for a specific aesthetic and fit, so don’t let this dissuade you. We certainly hope that you’ll consider us again in the future, and best of luck finding a home for this piece.

I got a call that I was hired for the factory job. I need to wait for a call next week scheduling me for orientation. It will be second shift at $15.21. I need to email the PO and let him know the news. I emailed KH with the news and some other stuff. Also, I called my sister and just sent an email over to MW. 

And that has been my day. I am trying to work up the energy to get myself down to McClure's for Coca-Cola.

Oh. the lethargy, the indecision:


sch 5:20


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