Friday, February 3, 2023

Road Tripping Kicked My Behind

 I woke up at 5 am, cold and shivering even though the heater was running. My insides were not right. I thought I could make it to work, after all. About 5:45 I figured out I was not going to make it. I called in sick. I laid back down, hoping for the best.

I got out around 8. The cleaning crew would be in and I did not want them finding me in bed. I finished off one blog post. Around 9, I called K. I read some email. About 10 I walked down to McClure's. I paid the rent around 10:30. Still no sign of the cleaning crew. I wanted to start on revising "Chasing Ashes" and did not want them to interrupt. If I could not make it to work, I was going to achieve something for the day. At 11, walked across the street for lunch. The cleaning crew showed up around noon. They left and I worked on my story for an hour. Getting the chills again convinced me to nap for an hour. From 2 to around 6 I got the first six pages revised. I ate dinner. Wrote email. Listened to WPRB until now. Having changed the ending, I gave up my story about 20 minutes ago. And here I end the day with eyes too tired for any more reading.

Some items read today and one I did not:

Good night. It is still bloody cold!

sch 10:20 pm

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