Tuesday, January 24, 2023

What I would Like to See in a Constitutional Convention - 6-24-22

 First, a better description of the relations between state and federal governments than what we have  presently.

  • State rights have been a refuge for all that has been racist in American history.
  • Federal politicians promoting sate rights have always been selective when applying their theory of states rights.
  • State politicians complain of federal intrusion when the intrusion comes due to state corruption or ineptitude or inaction due to local political considerations ranging from the racial to environmental protections.
  • The Tenth Amendment offers little refuge after the Civil War and New Deal.

Which leads me here:

  • A better approximation of the line between state and federal power and responsibility for economic activity and civil rights.
  • Settle the limits of the Commerce Clause over intrastate commerce; an overreach that annoys too many by placing too much power in the federal government.
  • Repeal The Slaughterhouse Cases - establish what are the Privileges and Immunities of U.S. citizens.
  • Reorganizing the federal government so that its police powers are at the border, not within the states.
  • The states have powers that do not violate federal civil rights under the Privileges and Immunities Clause and the Bill of Rights; the Commerce Clause; and the Supremacy Clause.
  • Return revenue sharing to the states via a constitutional provision. 
  • Change the Senate so it is no longer two per state, but that the larger states have a representation based on population. I doubt anyone really thinks enough of South Carolina to want it to disappear.

Finally, on one other thing: protect abortion and privacy rights.

I offer a suggestion here from what Indiana did with its 1851 version of Article XIII. Offer upon provisions as separate to the main constitution. Put forth two provisions for each subject and let us vote on them.


[I cut the last three paragraphs. The first pointed to other notes discussing more mechanical changes I would make. I suggest you click on the link "Constitution" below. The second suggested ways to make these ideas known - contacting politicians, starting a Facebook page. Lastly, a request these ideas not be rejected out of hand because it was me making them. Anyway, feel free to comment below. sch 12/18/22.]

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