Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Up at 4 am and administering a hot compress by 4:45. The email had one more rejection of "Colonel Tom":

We are grateful that you trusted ANMLY with "Colonel Tom," however, our readers felt that this particular packet was not a good fit, and we will be unable to publish it. We wish you luck in placing this elsewhere.

The Editors

Twenty days between submission and rejection.

I worked up one of my pretrial detention journal entries as a blog post before heading off to work. 

 Bloody cold here today. Even colder when walking into an empty semi-truck trailer to bring out boxes of plastic ware.  Then we had a trampoline truck, not as bad as some, but it wore me out. While speaking to KH on the telephone, my right arm cramped up so bad, I could not hold up the phone. I got this message from my PO around lunchtime: 

I will see you this evening. Stay home after work.

I left work almost an hour early because of this message as I needed to get more Ben-Gay, hit the grocery, and I did not want to miss the PO. All this I did, getting home around 4:30. It is now 7:23 PM, no PO and not a call. I have put off a hot shower, dinner, and everything else waiting on him. I have decided time to eat, it is past the evening. But for anyone considering what life is like on supervised release, pay attention here: I had to wait on my PO, and he did not even have to call to reschedule or to apologize for upending my life.

I killed time with some reading:

 8:59, the PO just left. He caught me in the bathroom. Great timing. The usual questions, plus more about what I am doing with the counselor. He did inquire about this blog. I think I have now found out who was looking at the pretrial detention entries. 

Now I can shower. I will just about have to call it a night.

sch 9:05 pm

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