Sunday, January 8, 2023

Time for American Democracy?

That is the argument of Watching the Chaos in the House, contemplating a remedy we... dare not use? 

Where we are now is not a good place. There are people actively working to subvert democracy for the sake of power, and they’ve been doing it for decades. They inflicted a totally unfit leader on us, and incited violence in an attempt to overturn an election and the government. They have made division and demagoguery a constant. They have flooded the public space with lies. They have not gone away — so how do we deal with them?

We’ve been here before as a country. Charles P. Pierce wrote about it recently before the current debacle in the House began: The Leg-Shaped Lamp That Is the 14th Amendment. The issues it was meant to address are still with us; the Civil War didn’t put an end to the divisions within the country.

America has yet to attain its true greatness, maybe it is time we rise to the challenge. Those who do not want freedom for others can keep their red hats. That is what freedom is about.

sch 1/8/23

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