Sunday, December 25, 2022

A Take on Dickens' Bleak House

 Probably not the best item to refer to on Christmas Day - a story of cupidity, not Christian charity. Unexpected, too, since it would be A Christmas Carol that should be expected today. Except I am writing this on December 14, not feeling very happy, and I want to clear out another tab as penance for not working today. 

So you get The Jarndyce Estate: “Bleak House” by Charles Dickens - a very charming and succinct appreciation of a long novel. I read it in prison, and found I liked it rather well for all my adult aversion to Dickens. Read it, maybe it will do what Christmas is supposed to do - instill the virtue of charity and knock the vice of greed.

sch 12/14/22

Along the same lines and also a bit different, The Guardian's Where to start with: Charles Dickens. I do not see anything wrong with their choice of Oliver Twist, but I would go with A Tale of Two Cities. I lived without reading A Christmas Carol until I was 60, or so.

sch 12/23/22

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