Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Federal Sentencing Guidelines and the Deficit (Part Two) 5/2010

 [The last paragraph mentioned below refers to what is now the last paragraph of The Federal Sentencing Guidelines and the Deficit (Part One) 5/2010. If you have not read that entry, you might want to do that now. sch 9/23/22.]

Odd, I wrote that last paragraph without heat. Pleased that health care reform finally arrived, but not more than that. Politics, like my need for tobacco or crack cocaine, is just not there. The tobacco and crack cocaine I do not miss because I used them to self-destruct, and I have done so.

Politics hold no excitement because for the next 15 -20 years I will be a federal prisoner. Politics means something only to the living with a future. As I see it, I will be getting federal health and dental care, free food, and free housing during my incarceration - without the necessity of paying taxes.

[Lest that paragraph give rise to you having ideas of committing a federal crime, let me say what I know now: you will be lucky to survive the federal medical care - a friend did not; federal dental care is pulling teeth; the food is worth what you pay for; and the housing is overcrowded, smelly, drafty, and you will be surrounded by people the likes of which you have always avoided. The bit about the taxes is true. sch 9/23/22.]

Now how many federal prisoners could be on home detention or probation, and thus cutting down the federal deficit? I would like to see how the Tea Party nuts handle that question!

For more, you may want to read Deconstructing the Myth of Careful Study to see what was known to be wrong with the sentencing guidelines pertaining to my case. Political skulduggery was afoot.

[You may also want to do the following google search and see how the problems with the particular Sentencing Guidelines under which I was sentenced remain: stabenow deconstructing the myth. sch 9/23/22.]

One more thing to say, a snarky comment: is the federal government's inability to think subtly because it has the printing presses at Treasury, or does employment by the federal government turn razor blades into baseball bats?


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