Monday, November 28, 2022

More Walking Home and Cardinal Sins 5-3-2010

 Not sure where tobacco comes in amongst the cardinal sins. I do know gluttony is one.e

I have been limiting myself t one meal and a lot of water. I realize how much I miss good food. Not great food - just good food.

What my new home does to meat frightens me with memories f Soylet Green. A sin happened when animals were killed for what appears as meat on the plate. We have no Kurtz yelling "The horror!".

But I can dream of roasting a leg of lamb (and a yogurt/mint dipping sauce) or stewing a mélange of pork products,cabbage/k ale/bok choy and root vegetables in beer or apple cider.

Come to think of it, before my arrest I spent more time thinking of food and cooking than porn. Put that down to me doing 99% of the cooking.

So now I think of anchovy pizzas (and Shakey's on East 38th Street - long gone now - where Mom would buy one for - a small - for me; she was splurging.) and char-broiled steaks and lobster. I think of eating at Maria's Mi Taquería, in Anderson's old Penguin Point (the best Mexican I ever had). Or On the Point Barbecue at 19th and Martin Luther King in Anderson (now that QL's seems gone from Muncie, this is the best barbecue in the area). Or soup in bowls as big as your head from the Viet Buffet in Castleton or King Wok on Lafayette Pike. (A bowl of pho from either I think is equally good, but I like the peanut sauce from the west side better - that is for the soft spring rolls). Or Bando's and some hot Koran (yes, not all Korean is sweat-inducing hot) anything, but most likely the squid sauté (that's over at Franklin Road and Pendeltn Pike.) None I expect to see again.

Baondo's is where I took my soon-to-be-ex on our first date. Of all the times I have been there only 3 others are as memorable. (By the way, there is Seoul Kitchen in has t, but Bando's Fort Wayne that is very good, but Bando's has too many memories.)

I realize that forgot Anderson's Lemon Drop for hamburgers - the boys liked them a lot. 

And I must praise the soon-to-be-ex's fried potatoes.

Odd how the mind works - or maybe the stomach and the mind. I long for these things, but none of this do I mind losing. Quite hard to describe. Feeling that I injured my father fatally - is a loss that hurts. Coming back in 15 years to find Bando's shuttered raises no similar emotion in me. Right now, I hunger for food, but is that just not an emotional response?

I do see why hunger strikes so seldom succeed - there is one's hunger pangs and restaurant commercials. Nothing but temptation on all sides.

Damn, but I would like to be cooking for someone. Go figure that one out!


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