Thursday, September 8, 2022


 Not that anyone has been around to notice that I have not made my Supervised Release posts.  Looks like I have been deserted by my readers.

Anyway, I made a promise and should keep regardless of anyone reading these notes.

Yesterday, I went to work and got sent over to a job on another truck and was pretty much exhausted when I got home. I fell asleep around 7:20. The sun was shining. I had started yawning while typing and decided I could not keep working on Problem Solving.

So I got up around 3:30. I did work on my story before going off to work. I did the same thing when I came back. 

Other than McClure's for supplies, I have been here writing. I could make a habit of living like this.

Queen Elizabeth II died.

I got another rejection for "Colonel Tom":

At the outset, we hope you and your loved ones are safe during these times. Thank you for your interest in Parentheses Journal. This particular submission does not meet our current needs and we have decided to pass. We wish you all the best for placing your work elsewhere. If you do decide to submit more work to us, kindly submit only on or after November 01, 2022, when submissions for Issue Fourteen open. For more information, you may peruse our submission page.

In the meantime, we request you to follow us on Twitter @ParenthesesArt  and Instagram @parenthesesjournal if you use these platforms for any updates and the call for submissions. If you use Duotrope, kindly consider updating the response time for your submission. Thank you for the support and interest in our journal.

Warm Wishes,

Sneha Subramanian Kanta

I do not recall why I picked on this journal.  My sights may have been set too high. Does that make me gauche or show I have panache?

And I am calling it a night.

If you read this, thank you.


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