Sunday, August 21, 2022

Not Just Another.Sunday

I may have shot my budget today. The taxi to work may have done me in.

A long day washing dishes.

I got a surprise: E came down to visit with her beau. I showed them around town and then ate at Greek's Pizzeria. First time for me meeting the beau. Poor man had to hear me babble on.

I came back here to knock off email and some blog posts. Two more rejections came through:

We're sorry this isn't better news, but unfortunately we weren't able to find a place for "Passerby" in Alien Magazine. Sadly, we can only publish a fraction of the submissions we receive and have to let a lot of great work go. 

However, we did want to thank you again for thinking of us when submitting.  

All the best,

The Editors

Alien Magazine


 Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to read and consider your work for Arcturus. We found a lot to like about your work, but are sorry to say that we’re going to pass on your submission at this time. However, we realize that time and talent goes into every piece, so we appreciate you trusting us to read and discuss your work. If you are interested in submitting again, we ask that you please wait six (6) months before resubmitting.


Thanks again,

Rachel León, Fiction Editor

Editorial Staff
Arcturus magazine

Now, time to sleep. Big day tomorrow.


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