Saturday, July 16, 2022

How Long America?

My story "Death and a Kiss" has in its background the suppression of the United States by the United Nations due to the U. S. endangering the planet by not combatting climate change.

Recently, The Guardian published Nearly $2tn of damage inflicted on other countries by US emissions.

“We are moving slowly towards some sort of accountability for this. As the evidence mounts and the record of US obstructionism in the climate context is established, I don’t think it and other countries will be able to escape their liability in perpetuity,” Muffett added.

“The costs of climate damages are mounting and ultimately someone will have to pay that cost...."

And how will America pay for these damages? The United States Supreme Court has us on a collison course with the rest of the world: Supreme Court Holds That EPA Exceeded Its Authority in Proposing to Regulate Emissions Under Clean Air Act.

sch 7/13/22

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