Monday, July 25, 2022


 I have been working and sleeping and not much more than that.

Saturday morning looked like this:

K called me on the way to work.

We had thunderstorms that afternoon. I meant to track down my typist. Instead, I came back to my room and ate dinner and fell asleep for three hours. I read a little and watched a little tv and made notes for this blog.

Walking to work on Sunday along Granville, I saw this effect of Saturday's storms:

I got a ride back to the room. I repeated Saturday night except for a long call with KH.

I made it to work on time this morning. I left early for my doctor's appointment. The #12 bus was late and I missed #3 and rescheduled the appointment to August.

 I called the attorney sbout dad's estate and then emailed him the accounting my sister sent me on Sunday.

I texted my typist.

I caught the Mall bus. The typist got back with me and we will meet on Friday. I stopped for some groceries at Target and walked back to the room. 

There I ate some ice cream. Napped. Took a call from T2. Phone went out - of course.

I did not do laundry. I did not email my PO. I did not work on my writing.

Tomorrow I go see my new therapist.

Now, I am going to call it a night.

This because I still adore Chrissie Hynde and Jeff Beck:

This because I worry about the future:

And because I still can and lucky is not my middle name:


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