Saturday, July 2, 2022

Another Bad Friday

I did not make it to work. 

I had to get the phone on so I could call about my SSI app and then I had to call my doctor about the colonoscopy. I left messages without getting a call back.

It is the bus schedule. I have to wait and the waiting gets me distracted and then I get thinking I might as well stay put.

Yesterday's distraction was revising "Colonel Tom." I got an alert of a new magazine. The new magazine wanted a different format: single spaced instead of double. Well, one thing led to another. I deleted a few sentences, removed 2 - 3 paragraphs, added some sentences and words, and moved one paragraph. At the end, I wondered a few things:

  1. Why did I not see the need for these changes before now?
  2. Did I improve on the story or just waste my time?
  3. Do I even know what I am doing?
I also came up short on the rent. I had $224 in the bank. I had miscalculated the balance after paying for Mint. Lucky I had a ten in my pocket. I tried selling some books. Not wanted, so I donated them at the box in Planet Fitness parking lot.

I stayed in listened to WPRB for the afternoon and most of the evening. I looked for a new job. No luck there. I went through my email. I did some reading online. I put together a couple of posts that will show up in the near future. I did not feel like talking to anyone 

This morning I need to get dressed for work. I need to leave in an hour. Been up for an hour.

Listening to WMBR's 88 Rewound. Which is why I leave you with

914 reads for "Death and a Kiss."



  1. What happens on Thursday that you are not able to get to work on Friday?

    1. I just watch tv. I wish it were more interesting than being old and overworked!


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