Thursday, June 9, 2022


 Moving slow this morning. I do not want to go to work. My shoulders ache. My eyes do not want to focus.

I checked in at the sheriff's. I got there before the rain. That started as I walked out.

Then I returned Hellman to Bracken Library. I am not sure why but the library was promoting vampires.

The rain stopped.

Waiting for the bus, I got the email for the guy at Hook's who may be able to get me a new cpap mask. I have not ben sleeping well. Not at all good last night.

Back at the room for dinner. The rain hit again. We had a tornado warning. Had high winds. A downpour.  Sorry, no photos. I listened to this C-Span lecture on Lillian Hellman. I wrote two posts on Hellman - they are scheduled over the next three days. That took the rest of the night.

Well, I cannot afford to be late again. Need to work, replenish groceries, call the polygraph guy.

"Death and a Kiss" has 745 reads as of this morning.


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