Monday, June 27, 2022

American Promise

From The Bulwark came A Nation of Promise. In the shadow of Trump's failed coup, considering Justice Alito wanting to turn back the clock to the 1700s, with people claiming America is no longer great since it is no longer so white, think about this:

The moniker American is not the exclusive terrain of the overzealous who drape themselves in the national flag and lather their words with clichés ripped from the civil religious canon, often investing themselves in the items of Americana more than in the principles of America and the people who constitute it. Rather, the purest form of America is found in the evolving lot who have helped the United States endure and occupy the mantle as the oldest constitutional democracy by fighting for incremental progress over the generations. We Americans are imperfect, succumbing at times to passions and self-interest, as fallible humans are wont to do, but our aim is straight: making the Promise more real and more accessible.

Go read the whole article.

sch 6/24/22

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