Tuesday, May 31, 2022

You Know What is About to Hit the Fan

The best-laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men Gang aft agley

I thought to read more of Hellman's Candide. No such luck. My sister sent me the petition to modify my supervised release. Wrong petition. She sent me the tax forms. Wrong ones. I call her. My phone disconnects. Then we are texting. Time goes by. Not much in the way of reading accomplished. Looks like this will be the sole post of the day.

As I was about to leave for work, I saw to the north a young woman carrying a door on her back.

I did not take the time to ask why they were moving a door before sunrise. Why spoil the sheer weirdness of life with a prosaic explanation?

I did get in my 8 hours at work. Lower back still hurts

I got a message to call the counselor, Karri Byrd. I did. I got voicemail. I left a message.

I also visited the attorney about Dad's estate. He has a draft petition. I told him about the counselor's message, how we needed to get things moving.

From there I stopped at the bank, deposited my paycheck, before going to the bus station.

At the bus station, I got another call from Ms. Byrd. She started off talking about setting up a polygraph. Okay, I thought. She did ask when I last spoke with my PO. March, maybe, was my answer. I may have mentioned by this time of my contacting another counselor. Anyway, she started on me getting back to the group, how I interrupted people, how I had disrespected one of the other members. I disagreed with her about the disrespect. I did not mention how I had been interrupted when trying to comply with her command to tell my story. I told her I thought her telling the group I thought myself smarter than them had burned me with the group. No response from her. What I definitely said now was that I had left a message on her voicemail that I had made contact with another counselor. She had not listened to her voicemail. She told me she would contact my PO that I had been terminated from group. I told her I expected that. Actually, I was surprised she had not noticed my absence and terminated me already. 

I will be charitable and not think she missed my $40. I am not so charitable I will not say paying $40 a week (plus time lost from work) to watch her eat potato chips was a bit steep. I still do not the therapeutic purpose of her methods. Oh, well, so it goes.

I slept terribly last night. The cpap mask is close to a disaster. I will try to sleep after watching Mayans.

Two posts I would like to note: A Natural Right to Health? and Celibacy as Freedom. Written before date of publishing but being different labels than Supervised Life, I doubt you have read them.

I expect to hear from PO in the next few days. I feel he subcontracted out his supervision to the counselor. I suspect he has been waiting for something like this so to file a petition to revoke my supervised release. If so, I leave you with this, the inspiration for this post's title 


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