Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Why Words Matter

I read The Bulkwark even though it skews centrist, if not conservative. I find it rational and common-sensical and pro-democracy. Years ago, I thought calling everyone and everything racist was wrong - it was too simplistic, too predictable.

Now from The Bulwark comes Tucker and the Dangers of Crying Wolf by Charlie Sykes:

Crying wolf had serious consequences for both sides, because over time our audiences shrugged off the charges, responding to accusations of racism with an eye roll and “Not this again.” By the time the real thing came along, the Left had used up its rhetorical ammunition, and the Right had become numb to the realities of the bigots around them.



So liberally had epithets been hurled at them, that conservatives came to recognize charges of “racism” as merely the Left’s code for “I don’t like you, shut up.”

Racism has long existed in America. Asserting anything else is ignorance or hypocrisy.  

Claiming anyone with a different viewpoint is beyond the pale is counter-productive. We know about systemic racism. Someone who is not a bigot can contribute to systemic racism. Sometimes calling someone a bigot just proves our own inability to reason. 

Without rationality it is possible democracy dies.

sch 5/3/22

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