Wednesday, May 4, 2022

What Writers Can Do for the World

I offer you the interview Writers have the power to make incremental contributions to make the world a better place, J.E. Sibi-Okumu for my argument that telling stories improves this world. 

There was a time when I thought the world was a charnel house without any good qualities. That way of life proved a failure. I write so that others may avoid my mistakes. The world is what we make it. How we make the world better is through art.

Back to the interview:

8: We live in a divided world in many dimensions and literature is no exception. We, as authors, still believe that literature can help unite the world and heal the planet. How do you perceive the divisions in our sphere its impact? What are your suggestions on how literature and authors can contribute to restoring unity in this world?

Much of what is wrong with the world can be put down to politics and politicians.

Writers have the power to make incremental contributions to making the world a better place. In the same way that doctors contribute to curing our medical ailments so writers contribute to curing our social ailments: ignorance, prejudice, hatred and so on.

Through the stories we tell, we writers can play a transformative role in that we can change the way our readers and audiences perceive the world in which we live and our similar, human joys and disappointments within it .



 9: As an acclaimed author, what is your message for the budding generation of authors across genres? 

There are more stories to be told than there are storytellers. So, join the club!

Get to work! The world depends on you.

sch 4/26/22 

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