Saturday, May 21, 2022

What a Way to End the Week

Off to a very slow start this Saturday morning. Mind and body both a bit tired. I keep waking up several times a night. Last night was the same. Right hand cramped, hit snooze on the alarm and then overslept. 

I got my first CT scan yesterday. This is the Imaging Center.

 It was an interesting experience. Not sure if it was worth $49 but I did get a souvenir:

No results. I am 50-50 right now about I will do if I  have lung cancer. 

I sent a second email to the psych prof and I put a call into Meridian Health Services. Meridian called me back and will call back on Monday.

Looking back, I am not sure what I did last night. I know I listened to a podcast on history and historians. I really recommend it. Americans are so ignorant about our history that we are frightened by it. Just look at the fake CRT controversy to see how scared we are of our history.

I finished another of Lillian Hellman's plays. I watched The Blacklist. I tried watching The Merry Wives on PBS but just could concentrate enough to get into Shakespeare. Still having a bit of that this morning. 

Then it was off to sleep. Now it is time to get ready to wash dishes.

Having finished "Death and a Kiss", I feel a bit at loose ends. I thank KH and DM for their help. The story's failures are mine and not their's. As of now, I have had 588 reads. I do not know where they come from or what they think. Feel free to pass the link along - I  need as many readers as possible. And if you read the whole thing, please let me know what you think.

Time to go. I decided to leave you with this message of uplift and hope:

Which led to a thought and this song of patriotism and American history:

Enough procrastinating.


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