Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Oh, Boy... Where to Start

 Things were not too strange until this evening.

I did not get much sleep last night. I was pretty tired from work and then by writing a very long post - Hellman's Autumn Garden - when I got sn email from T2. I called her and got her voicemail. I went to sleep. I did what I have been doing lately - conking out hard for an hour, then waking up to go to the bathroom - and did not hear the phone ring. I saw her call when I got back to bed. I called. We spoke for about an hour.

Before that I had stopped at Target. I had a letter from Anthem I had to there to make sure the CVS in the store would still be handling my prescriptions. I also got dome groceries.

I did not go to group today. I have not heard from Ms. Byrd. I cannot see with her telling the group I look down on them, group therapy will benefit me.

I did come back here and fell asleep with the TV on. 

That was the first strange thing of the day. Second strange thing was the mass murder of elementary students in Texas. I am thought of as a danger to children; in reality the Second Amendment threatens American children.

But the last strange happened as I sat on the porch finishing up my post Bob D's Birthday when I hear water spattering on the porch. I look up to see my neighbor urinating from his doorway. I told him he had a bathroom inside. He daid he was paying the rent. Drunks... Such good company.

I got an email from a woman who might do some typing for me. I have to answer her.

I sent two more emails to T2.

I have not heard from my PO, or read any more of Hellman. I did get sd card for the cpap machine. Maybe a new.mask this year? It is affecting my sleep.

I might watch The Mayans. I might read Hellman. I certainly will be getting a shower. I hope for a better tomorrow.

Since it is Bob Dylan's birthday and since Americans fearing their government must amass more guns than there are citizens, because gun nuts continue shooting down children rather than tyrants, since drunks feel it necessary to expose themselves, I offer up this song:

"Death and a Kiss" had 633  reads now.


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