Monday, May 2, 2022

Is Democrats' Fecklessness Back?

Let me begin with a definition:

Definition of feckless

1WEAKINEFFECTIVEShe can't rely on her feckless son.
2WORTHLESSIRRESPONSIBLEfeckless maneuver that could only serve to strengthen the enemy— Simon Schama

I hear people at work grousing about Biden - he is senile, he is a puppet, he is the worst president ever.

I put most of the Democrats' problems down to the dysfunction of the U.S. Senate and Senators Manchin and Sinema. 

David Sirota sees things differently in a piece published in The Guardian, Americans believe nothing is getting better. Biden feeds that disillusionment. He sees a far worse problem:

“I’m going to become the Joker” is some of the internet’s most poignant shorthand. Referencing Todd Phillips’ dark 2019 film about the origins of the Batman villain, the phrase describes becoming so thoroughly disillusioned that one loses faith in everything.


This is the epochal question – because both parties’ leaders have accepted Jokerfication as the new permanent normal, and the Biden White House is actively convincing a generation to believe nothing will fundamentally change. 

 Mr. Sirota details the evidence behind his assertions. He hammers hard and it has hit home. The Democrats have so often defaulted to fecklessness that FDR and LBJ have to be spinning in their graves like turbines. Being a Democrat in Indiana I ought to have taught me long ago about Democrats' talents for self-destruction.

Sirota goes onto the following:

Heading into the midterms, both corporate media and the Republican party see their self-interest in helping Democrats completely Jokerfy the entire country into believing absolutely nothing can be done – other than burn everything to the ground.

The former is lately focused on flogging the idea that inflation isn’t about what it’s actually about: corporations using monopoly power to jack up prices, lobbyist-written trade policies that off-shored supply chains, pandemic-related production shortages, and huge pay increases for the yacht set. Instead, media millionaires paid by billionaires are promoting all nihilism all the time, asking viewers to believe inflation is mostly the result of the government trying to temporarily help poor people survive Covid.

Time is running out for Biden to find his inner LBJ. The country needs it.

sch 4/30/22

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