Sunday, May 1, 2022

An Orthodox Christian Blog

 Please give No Other Foundation a reading. Like 999.9% of the Orthodox writers I have encountered, it lucid and and has nuggets of humor that I ascribe to charity and humility.

A short example from the post The Limits of Christian Obedience

...But the State can become tyrannical and bestial; it can become not God’s διάκονός, but His enemy, the Beast that arises from the abyss and makes war upon God’s saints (Revelation 11:7, 13:7).  These two views of the State—Romans 13 and Revelation 13—are not two options, but two poles, and the Church in this age lives its life between these two poles, along this sliding scale, this continuum.

That is why merely citing a proof-text to compel Christians to obey the State is wrong.  As said before, “A text without a context is a pretext”, and the words of Christ and His apostles are intensely contextual.  Discernment is required to understand just where along this continuum between Romans 13 and Revelation 13 we are at any given moment.  This is especially so because sometimes things change very quickly.

sch 4/29/22

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