Sunday, May 22, 2022

1,205 Posts

That is the number I have hit as of right now.

This blog has had 657 views since I had to give up . not sure what to make of having only 156 views this month.

Yesterday, I got to work late. I went off without my umbrella to be faced with dark clouds. I decided if it started raining, then I would call in and catch the 9:15 #3 bus. I got to Elm and Centennial and there were raindrops on the bus window. I stayed on the bus. There was no more rain. Another poor choice on my part. More proof of why no wants to take me to the racetrack.

I had a bright idea on Friday that I acted on yesterday. I work with college students and I thought they might know someone who typed. One waitress looked utterly befuddled when I asked if she knew a typist.

I came home directly from work. I had thought about  going to the Lahody butcher shop except I was tired snd did not want to miss the 3:45 #5 bus.

Good thing I came home when I did. I tried the milk, it tasted like my late mother's salmon patties. I dumped the milk; I put the butter on ice; I put the cheese in the iced up freezer section; then I started defrosting the freezer. I also did my laundry. I finished Hellman's Autumn Garden.

I got an email from DM extolling "Death and a Kiss." As of writing, my story has had 600 reads.

I moved slowly stiffly this morning. I coated my back with Ben-Gay. I listened to a podcast here with Ta-Nehisi Coates talking about history and writing. I am trying to get into podcasts. If more were like this one, I listen to more.

The restaurant was as busy as.Mother'd Day. I was tired when I walked back. I did have good news. I may have found a typist. I will know tomorrow night.

K called me as I walked up Granville. We talked until I got back to my room. We talked whether marrying A- would have made me respectable. She thought it unlikely I would have ever been respectable; that respectable would be too boring for me.

I called KH after I finished talking to K. Just to see how he was foing and just chat.

I was supposed to go to the CVS and make sure it was set up to get my prescriptions. I thought, too of getting groceries. My feet hurt. I went, instead, to McClure's for food. CVS tomorrow.

I called my sister. I read my email. I put away my laundry. I did some research on Lillian Hellman. I wrote this and another post. The fridge is working properly.  Now I am ready to call it a night.

Oh, yeah here is the video from Friday night:

She did have interesting things to say about writing.

Since K told me this is Victoria Day here are The Kinks:


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