Sunday, April 10, 2022

Writing: Another Fighting Nihilism

 Blurry-eyed, back aching, not wanting to be awake but needing to work, I skim an article brought me by Feedspot and The Nervous BreakdownLiterature (and Curling) is Not Meaningless: A Conversation between Derek Maine & Grant Maierhofer on The Compleat Lungfish

I started writing because of this feeling of a kind of overflow when I was in rehab in my mid-to-late teens. I liked and still have fondness for AA and NA, and I’ve had very positive experiences with therapy, and medication, and being in treatment. When I was in there, though, the second time, it became clear that there were thoughts I was thinking, and feelings I was having, that wouldn’t be addressed in meetings. Maybe this isn’t exactly correct, but it’s how I felt. I started to think about writing, and music, and art more generally, as things that could address the discomfort, and ugliness, and anger and just directionless energy, and I think if nothing else time has proven this to be true, for me. 

And this leaves me feeling not so alone. I recognize the underlying nihilism and the solution. This is why I keep writing. This is why I preach the value of us humans engaging in creative acts.

For my other pieces on nihilism, please click the "Philosophy" label below.


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