Thursday, April 14, 2022

Why Books Matter in Prison

Surprising good stuff from Indiana University's Indiana Daily Student. I found In prison, knowledge is power’ How publications are restricted in Indiana prisons bringing back memories.  I hope will it somehow get to the public and into their heads. Something to think about:

​​The 2019 PEN America report found that prisons disproportionately ban books about Black history and civil rights on the grounds that they may disrupt order in the prison or incite racial hatred. Anecdotally, that pattern persists in Indiana.


Prison book bans fall into two broad categories: content-based and content-neutral.

Content-neutral bans are based on the physical characteristics of the material. For example, IDOC facilities reject used books if they have damage such as stains or markings.

Content-based bans prohibit material that prison officials believe could disrupt the security or order of the prison.

If this country, in general, and Indiana, particularly, want reformation of us criminals then it needs to allow for education of its prisoners and education includes the free flow of books. We can do better.

sch 3/30/22

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