Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Right Wing Seeking Mind Control?

KENTUCKY HANDS UNPRECEDENTED CONTROL OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES TO POLITICIANS raises the possibility that those who fear new ideas - the Republicans fearing change - are doing what the fearful always do: use power to beat down those who frighten them, to hide away the ideas that challenge them, to block those changes that exceed their imaginations. Thing is these types fail. Political power cannot succeed against change, against those ideas which affirm life, against life even when the fight costs millions and millions of lives.

SB 167 will enable local politicians to “appoint whomever they want to library boards and block major library spending.” This comes as both school and public library boards become more politically charged, and because of a public library’s refusal to give over their facility to another institution–the County Judge Executive of Pikeville threatened to pursue this and succeeded. Republicans in Kentucky noted that because library boards levy taxes, they should be responsible to someone elected by voters.

sch 4/22/22

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