Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Ranked Voting to Save Our Democracy?

I think the American political system needs a whole lot of changes, have thought so for some time, will shoot my mouth off about them later, but for now give How to Disarm the Crazies from The Bulwark a read.

So, are we doomed to be at the mercy of the mad and bad? It’s possible, but then again, one reform that seems to be getting traction is ranked-choice voting (also known as instant runoff elections).


 Not only does the ranked-choice system disempower party extremists, it also discourages candidates from savage personal attacks, the persistence of which arguably keeps some fine people out of politics altogether. Candidates are less likely to attack one another if they hope to be the second choice of the other person’s voters.

The two-party system has not proven to be a solid foundation for democracy. Time to disarm the crazies.

sch 4/14/22 

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