Saturday, April 9, 2022

Nietzsche & Life Advice

Getting back to reading Nietzsche was one if the benefits of prison. I had made a decision to keep living and Nietzsche is about living. 

For an introduction to Nietzsche let me point you to How to find your true self - Life lessons from Nietzsche and a couple of quotes to explain why. First from the blog snd then from the man himself.

Nietzsche's point was this: It is an unbelievable fact that you are alive at just this moment in time, and that you are as unique as you are. Do not shy away from your true self and resist the urge to travel your own path simply because you're not sure where it will take you. In order to live a meaningful life you must seize this brief window of your existence to follow your passions and sometimes that means doing things that are difficult and that no one else would do.


We have to answer for our existence to ourselves and will therefore be our own true pilots, and not admit that our existence is random or pointless.

One must take a bold and reckless way with the riddle [of life]; especially as the key is apt to be lost, however things turn out.

And for more general background: Friedrich Nietzsche: The dynamite German philosopher.

sch 3/30/22

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