Thursday, April 28, 2022

Bureau of Prisons Hiring Mental Health Staff.

Almost a year since I departed the embrace of the Bureau of Prisons' facility Fort Dix FCI and now they seem to be looking for mental health providers:

The U.S. Bureau of Prisons purchased a number of Facebook ads recently in an attempt to hire new people in a variety of roles throughout the country. But one ad in particular is catching attention on social media for how bleak it seems. The Bureau of Prisons seems to be using the number of mental illnesses in the U.S. prison system as a career opportunity for any psychologists who happen to be job hunting right now.

 Job Ad for Bureau of Prisons Touts Amazing Number of Mental Illnesses in U.S. Prison System

Yep, I saw plenty of untreated mental health issues while incarcerated. I was one. What shreds of lucidity I possess I owe to myself and my prison support groups. My civilian counselors have been surprised at the lack of mental health services provided by the federal government.

Oh, well, your tax dollars at work.

sch 4/12/22

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