Monday, April 11, 2022

Authentic Personalities

 What the new science of authenticity says about discovering your true self describes authenticity as 

We propose that authenticity is a feeling that people interpret as a sign that what they are doing in the moment aligns with their true self.

Importantly, this view does not require people to know what their true self is, nor do they need to have a true self at all. According to this view, an authentic person can look many different ways; and as long as something feels authentic, it is. Although we are not the first to take this view, our research aims to describe exactly what this feeling is like.

This is where we depart a bit from tradition. We propose that the feeling of authenticity is actually an experience of fluency.

This makes sense to me or, rather, it makes sense of why the life I am living now feels more akin to liberation and peace than the life I used to live. 

sch 4/10/22

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