Monday, March 14, 2022

Sunday Going Good

I did walk to the restaurant. I had thought it would be warmer and thankfully it was not as bitterly cold as Saturday. The owner would not let me walk home, nor the other dishwasher, Pam. It was Pam who dropped me off. I was caught between not wanting to be rude and not wanting to impose myself on others. I feel I have imposed enough on others.

I finished watching a documentary on Mae West. I find her an interesting, especially that she wrote three plays. Her three plays are in print and I just found out Bracken Library has a copy. The doc made it sound like they were good.

I wrote s long piece on socialism for this blog. I came up the idea while riding the bus on Saturday. My youngest nephew inspired me and it will appear here on March 23. I started working on publishing my "Death and a Kiss" on Booksie. Operator error proved a problem.

And such Sunday.

Going to give you a music video to close out. I heard this in prison and really liked it. I think it has a message for all of us:


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