Tuesday, March 1, 2022

First Group Therapy

The whole thing cost me $75 between the $40 to the counselor and time lost from work.

I had to reschedule my cancer scanning, too, but I did make it to the sheriff's.

I ate at Rally's. Probably should have just gone home. Greasy fun but I am not doing well with fasting for Lent. 

I spoke with KH several times. The poor fellow puts up with too much from me.

I have another idea for a play with Christopher Marlowe. I have to do research, to do finish what I started tonight.

Watching Biden. I am in the minority thinking he is doing quite well. Not being a blowhard with a Twitter account is enough for me, but the rest of the country seems to be a bunch of thumb suckers needing entertainment.

Need to get back to reading Celine.



  1. Will not share my name right now but not opposed to the idea at some point. Though I doubt you would remember me. How long did you serve. Was under the impression you got 50 years.

    1. I will not publish any names without your consent.

      It was 151 months.

      You might want to lok at my other posts under Supervised Release and Prison Life.

      How did you find my blo⁷⁷g?

    2. Sam- To be honest I have never been on a blog before so did my comment get posted yesterday? If it did and it offended you some how it was meant to. But I do apologize for anything that wrote that hurt you. If it didnt make it on please say so and I rewríte it. Thanks.


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