Thursday, February 3, 2022

Thursday Snow Storm

I did not go to work today. My right shoulder ached wildly from the covid booster. They were not expecting a grat turn out.

I got some reading done. Finished a chapter in my law and literature book. Then there were articles online. Then tonight I tried to reading Celine's Journey to the End of the Night. I did not expect humor.

I left to get some TC Cola from McClure's and to pay my rent.

I had a call from K and texted with my sister.

I added some articles to this blog.

I listened to Viet Thanh Nguyen in this video. The man is brilliant. He talked about being a refugee and s minority writer and his writing methods. Well worth the time spent viewing.

I did not work on my story. 

This is what the view is from my door:

Now it is bedtime. I must get to work tomorrow.


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