Sunday, February 6, 2022

Another Rejection

I got this yesterday:

Thank you for submitting your piece for Extra Teeth Issue Five, and thanks for your patience as we read the (many!) submissions we received.

Unfortunately, this piece just wasn’t right for us this time. The best way to understand what kind of writing we publish is to grab a copy of the magazine, which you can do at

If you’ve also submitted to our mentorship scheme, you’ll be hearing back from us at the end of next week.

We hope you're doing well in a challenging year, and want to thank you once more for sending your writing to us. 

Heather & Nyla

 My feelings remain what they were here but this did raise a question about the quality of my writing: whether I was writing in an out of date, unfashionable style. I had a long telephone conversation with KH about this. I am not ready to give up writing. It has helped get me and keep me sane these past 12 years. I do not want to go back to the days when I thought the world rancid and hated the universe itself. No, I will keep on going.

When I get my laptop approved by my PO, I will revise "Colonel Tom" and get others - ones I think have a more fashionable style - out in the world. This supposes no games played by my PO.

I may post "Colonel Tom" online. I have a Vocal membership which I have nothing with.

Finally, I read Remember That Writing Is Art by Alisha Starr. I will probably undercut the whole by excerpting these two  paragraphs:

Sometimes it takes one person to connect with your work and share it with their friends who also feel drawn to it and share it and so on and so on for it to get the attention it deserves.

And sometimes no one will really get it except you. That's not a bad thing, though. Writing is unique in the way that whether it provides an outlet for you or gets the attention of millions of people: it's still worth taking the time to do.

But they capture my current mood so well.

At my age, I am beyond fashionable. I presumed for years my felonious status makes me unpublishable. I will keep going on. With any luck I will be back at work putting my manuscripts in digital form for you to read.


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