Friday, January 28, 2022

Writing: Knowing When Your Novel is Ready

I just finished reading Anne R. Allen's Is Your Novel Ready to Publish? 12 Signs You’re Still in the Learning Phase of Your Writing Career with great interest. Yes, a couple of the 12 signs were already in mind but a few have me considering my own work (that which sits on the room's table awaiting my PO's approval of my laptop). The dozen signs need attending to, so do follow the link and give it a good read.

Other than the list, Ms. Allen gives the following advice. I have been thinking along these lines for years. Write and read and write and read is how I occupied my prison years. But Ms Allen puts the idea very nicely:

The truth is it takes a long time to learn to write well. Even if you were an English major. If you’ve only written one novel or memoir, you’re still in the learning phase. Keep writing and start something new. Write some short pieces and start sending them out to journals and contests. Work on your next book. Start a blog and learn to write for an online audience.

And read, read, read. Read books on craft and marketing as well as novels in your genre.

Then when you go back to that book, you’ll have fresh eyes and new skills. I promise your work will improve because of them and you’ll be relieved that you didn’t publish too soon.



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