Saturday, January 22, 2022

Work, Laptop and My Writing

I finished my first week at the new job. I almost missed the #12 bus by not paying attention.

More playing cards but we also did dominoes. A little coughing thanks to the mask. It may be healthier than Texas Roadhouse.

I spoke with my PO. He is coming up next week. He wants to talk with me about my treatment. I still have to hear from my counselor. I suspect he wants to talk about the polygraph. He nixed bringing the laptop to him on Monday. He said approving it was not a high priority for him. I guess I could have it here when he comes up.

I fixed dinner. I watched Farscape. Then I started on revising my short stories. I have not finished the second page of the story. I am calling it a night now. I have a lot of work to do. I would prefer and hope this will soon be done not on paper but with a word processor.


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