Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Screwing Up

Monday night

Thankfully, a slow night at work. The sore throat persisted. Not the gargling with hydrogen peroxide or with salt water seems kill it. Too damned cold to walk home, so I set up for a taxi. I waited close to 40 minutes outside. The driver  had spaced me.  My legs had started spasming from the cold. I got back to the room for a snack and get warm.


I woke coughing. I fixed breakfast. I cleaned up. Two interviews planned for the afternoon. I slept in. The throat hurts less; is less constricted. I could barely speak last night. I read a little of Angela Carter.

The bad news starts when I open my email. I signed up fir this SEO service when I thought it was $9.95 a month. When I found it was $222, I did not mind their cancelling me last week for not having funds. I was very surprised when they came back today and left me without enough for the week's rent. I had to ask KH to cover me. I sent back emails to the vendor. Refund in 3 - 8 days. Tonight KH says the wire transfer will take 1 - 5 days. 
Then I head out to my first interview. The bus I wanted ran on the same schedule as the one I take downtown. My bus must have been just a little slow because by the time I got to the other side of the bus station the other bus was gone. I called the job opportunity about my missing the interview.

I walked down too my bank. That's when I found out the extent of money problems. I had an hour to kill. I called KH. We talked about an hour. The job interview called me. We reset for tomorrow.

Everything seems fine with the second job interview. Except I get off the bus too early. I walk half a mile in a wind that is past chilly and more than brisk. I am filling out their paper.application when it dawns on me this light industrial job is for a company providing services to disabled children. I leave.

I ride the bus down to Aldi's. I pick up the makings for a hot dinner. I ride the bus downtown then back to my room. 

I think no more screwups now that I am back in my room. Except after eating I fall asleep about 8 only to wake at 11 coughing and choking on dinner's ice cream. Throat is dry, no phlegm, and I am awake to write this and read more of Carter.

I have forgotten to mention The Sun rejected "Colonel Tom." I will write about that separately.

Let us see what tomorrow brings.


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